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WUT?! CNN Panel Says 'Undocumented Workers' Will Stop Paying Taxes If IRS Data Used to Locate Them


Yeah, this writer's got nothing.

She's watched this video a few times trying to make sense of it, and it's giving her a headache trying to follow the logic here.

As the IRS and the Trump administration near a deal to use data to track illegal immigrants, CNN wants us to know that the 'undocumented migrants' will just stop paying taxes. Or something.



If they're undocumented, how are they paying taxes in the first place?

If they 'largely obey the law' (except for that whole undocumented migrant thing), why would they start breaking the law and not pay taxes?

Make it make sense.

No, no. We have to pay.

Who else will foot the bill for illegal immigrants' hotel rooms and cell phones?

Which opens up a whole new can of worms.

If you watch CNN, it appears to be.

This is correct.



Unless they have them, which raises more questions and concerns than it addresses.

CNN expects us to overlook the flagrant ignoring of federal immigration law.

Yeah, this writer's eye is twitching too.

But BILLIONS OF DOLLARS, Physics Geek! CNN said so!

CNN is really hoping to skip over that little hiccup in their thinking.

Because reasons.

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