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Environmentalists Take Chainsaws to Protected Joshua Trees to Erect Solar Panels and 'Save' the Planet

AP Photo/Reed Saxon, File

This writer is the Michael Scott meme right now: can someone please explain this to her like she's five?

In what world does it make sense to destroy thousands of once-protected Joshua trees --  you know, trees: the epitome of green and environmentalism -- to make way for a solar field?


Oh, the world run by eco-loons. That's where:

Genuinely heartbreaking to see this.

More from The Los Angeles Times:

When Roy Richards spotted workers cutting down and shredding Joshua trees for a sprawling solar energy project near his Mojave Desert home last week, he started taking photos.

“Once the trees go through the shredders, they vanish,” he said, showing a reporter an image of a small pile of brown dust left by the crews.

The developer of the Aratina Solar Center has government approval to fell all of the thousands of trees on the site. The solar energy farm won a controversial exemption from rules protecting Joshua trees four years ago after closed-door meetings between industry executives and state wildlife officials.

On Saturday, residents of nearby Boron and Desert Lake, as well as other opponents of the project, will rally to demand a halt to the project.

Literally turning the trees to dust.


The destruction of beauty is the point.

Excellent questions, all.

And if CO2 is the problem, wouldn't we want more trees to take it in?

This writer is old enough to remember when planting trees was the goal of the environmental movement.

You know, as opposed to full on socialism.

Because their eco agenda is more important than nature. Or logic.


Funny you should ask.

This writer consulted Google, and according to the search results the penalty is $4,100 per tree and up to six months in jail.

But laws. Or something.

Sure does.

Can't. That would be a lie.


It's not.

It is painful and unnecessary.

The cruelty is the point, though.

Any environmental proposal that doesn't put nuclear energy at the top of the list is unserious.


That's the reasoning here.

Oh. Even better.

Because they don't care about nature. Just their agenda.

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