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WATCH: Woman Worth $70 MILLION Who Owns Three Houses Lectures Americans on 'Not Taking More Than We Need'

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Democrats: It's (D)ifferent when they do it!

That should be the slogan of the party, because the rules they force on everyone else -- from flying private jets to owning gas stoves -- never, ever apply to them.


Last night at the DNC, Michelle Obama had the audacity to get on stage and tell the audience her parents were 'suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.'


The post continues after the cut off:

“[My mom] and my father didn't aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.”

“They understood that it wasn't enough for their kids to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning. So my mother volunteered at the local school.”

This is where we remind you of a couple of facts:

  1. Barack and Michelle Obama have a net worth of $70 million, according to Yahoo! News.
  2. Barack and Michelle Obama own three houses: one in Washington D.C. purchased in 2017 for $8.1 million, one in Martha's Vineyard purchased in 2015 for $15 million, and one in Chicago, purchased in 2005 for $1.65 million.

Also, Michelle Obama charges $750,000 for a one-hour speech:


Nice work if you can get it.

At what point have they taken more than they needed?

Or does that just apply to Americans like this writer, who simply want to keep more of what she earns and not pay it in taxes, capital gains fees, and via inflation?

Our guess is the latter.

Absolutely maddening.

More than you, that's how many.

But that's what she needs!

That, too, is (D)ifferent.

Probably more than we make in a month.

This writer lives in a manufactured home. But somehow -- in Michelle Obama's view -- she's the greedy one.

 Nine bedrooms, and zero children at home.


They really are a special kind of arrogant, aren't they?

But that's not the same, because reasons!

So seven bedrooms and NINE bathrooms.

Who needs NINE bathrooms?

We'd forgotten about the Hawaii estate.

Must be nice.

What was it Barack Obama said while he was president? 

'At some point, you've made enough money' -- that's right.

When do the Obamas reach that point?

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