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Guess Why Kamala's Plane Circled O'Hare for FIFTEEN Minutes (Don't Let Them Lecture YOU on Going Green)

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

For those of you unfamiliar with the upper Midwest, the city of Milwaukee -- which hosted the RNC in July -- is about 90 minutes north of Chicago, presently hosting the DNC. The cities are easily accessible by the I-94 corridor as well as an Amtrak line that runs from Union Station to the southern edge of downtown Milwaukee.


But Kamala Harris flew into Milwaukee for her rally last night, and flew back to Chicago. Where the plane circled O'Hare for 15 minutes not because Air Traffic Control ordered them to. Oh no. 

They did it because queen Kamala wanted to watch her husband's convention speech uninterrupted.

She could've easily done that in a car or on the train.

Remember this when they lecture us this election cycle about giving up our cars, our air conditioning, and eating bugs to save the planet.

No, no, no. Only the proles have to make sacrifices to save Gaia.


But Kamala's important you see.

Based on a quick Google search, a standard airplane burns 11 gallons of fuel a minute. That's 165 gallons of fuel.


For giggles, this writer also went to myclimate.org to calculate the carbon output. Since she didn't know exactly how many people were on the plane, she calculated for 10 people flying first class from Milwaukee to O'Hare. The result? 

9.1 tons, apparently.

Can totally relate.

Rules for thee, but not for me.

It's the Democrat way!

That's coming, for sure.

Right? A real crisis.


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