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British Journalist, Conservative Activist Tommy Robinson Arrested for TERRORISM After Peaceful Rally

David Mirzoeff/PA via AP

We've reported on Tommy Robinson in the past. The media calls him 'far-Right', but he's a British journalist and conservative activist who -- rightly -- has an issue with mass immigration. In June, he was arrested in Canada for giving a speech.


Today, he was arrested in the UK for holding a peaceful rally. Arrested for TERRORISM.

This comes days after actual riots in Leeds by the immigrant community. We're gonna guess no one there was arrested for terrorism.

The answer will (and won't, if you've been paying attention) surprise you:

Get down on your knees and thank whatever deity you believe in for the First Amendment.

It's a warning we should all heed.

It sure is.


They can't arrest everyone.

Everything seems so upside down.

They sure do.

And take this warning very seriously.

How, exactly, can they charge Robinson with terrorism? Well:

Also give thanks for Miranda rights and the Fifth Amendment.



Government abusing a law to punish political dissent.

Sounds familiar, no?

Read Ezra's entire thread.

Really, really scary stuff.

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