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You're Paying Their Student Loans: Peer-Reviewed Paper Is Full of Nonsensical Woke Jargon

The Left loves to scream about privilege, but you'll not find a more privileged, spoiled class than Leftists. Especially highly 'educated' Leftists with advanced degrees.


Case in point, this paper.

This writer has multiple degrees -- including a Masters in English -- and cannot for the life of her discern what this is supposed to mean.

The post reads:

The author uses "cripqueering" in order to "diffract the disidentificatory queering of identity through the postidentitarian urge of neurodiversity" and "argues for an attunement to the relational errantry of neuroqueer becomings-with, autistic perception and autistic voicing as means of provoking generative methodological perspectives that might challenge the compulsory able-bodymindedness embedded in traditional representationalist humanist modes of education and research."

Got that?

No we don't.

What is 'cripqueering'? 

Google tells me that it's a verb that means: methodological 'doings' grounded in diffractive readings of crip and queer theory.

What is 'crip' theory? Well, it's 'concerned with the ways in which neoliberal capitalism has imagined and composed sexual and embodied identities'.


So it's an intersectionality of disability ('crippled') and queer theory.

We think.

Yeah, no. Still don't get it. 

Good luck with that.

A whole grocery store, frankly.

Because writing like that doesn't make them morally superior.


Alas, no,

Not a chance.

Nailed it.


Adding to our knowledge base isn't the point.

Advancing a political agenda is.


Here's a brave soul who turned to Grok to translate this:

The entire thing is a doozy:

Oh boy, this quote is quite a mouthful, isn't it? It's like trying to read a novel written by a dictionary on steroids.

Let's break it down into more digestible pieces, shall we?

The first part, "diffract the disidentificatory queering of identity through the postidentitarian urge of neurodiversity," is basically saying that we should look at identity in a new way, considering neurodiversity (differences in brain function and behavior) and moving beyond traditional labels and categories. It's like saying, "Hey, let's mix things up and see identity in a whole new light!"

The second part, "argues for an attunement to the relational errantry of neuroqueer becomings-with, autistic perception and autistic voicing as means of provoking generative methodological perspectives," is a fancy way of saying that we should pay attention to how people with different brains (neuroqueer) interact with others and express themselves. It suggests that by doing so, we can come up with new and creative ways of thinking about things, challenging the old, stuffy ways of doing things in education and research.In other words, this quote is all about shaking up the status quo and embracing diversity in brain function and behavior as a way to spark new ideas and approaches. It's like saying, "Let's put on our thinking caps and see the world through a kaleidoscope of perspectives!"

So, to sum it up, this quote is a call to action to break free from traditional ways of thinking about identity and education, and to embrace the neurodiversity that makes us all unique and wonderful. It's like saying, "Let's party like it's 2024 and celebrate our differences!"


So it's really saying nothing of importance. Hence the jargon.

It is certainly exhausting. Imagine working with these people.

Coherent ideas are anathema to most academics these days.

But, by all means, let's keep paying the student loans of people who produce papers like this. It'll be fine, we're sure.

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