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Food Crimes: Alarming Number of Americans Put MAYO on Their Hot Dogs

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

We like food. Not gonna lie. But there are lines that just should not be crossed -- for example, we're not eating the bugs. Not deep fried, not covered in chocolate. Never.


This writer likes both mayo and a good hot dog, but together? Not so much. Nearly 1 in 5 of her fellow Americans disagree, however:

We've also never heard of the North American Meat Institute, but that's a thing, apparently.

More from The New York Post:

How to dress a hot dog can be a polarizing topic — and there’s no more divisive condiment than mayo.

And yet, according to a 2021 survey commissioned by the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) and The North American Meat Institute, 19% of Americans prefer topping their hot dogs with mayo, while a 2022 poll conducted by Martin’s Famous Potato Rolls and Bread showed the same findings.

However, some hot dog and mayo enthusiasts have recently complained about the lack of representation for their preferences, prompting one food brand — Hellman’s — to squeeze into the conversation by promising their fans a new “small, but mighty” invention to satiate their cravings for the creamy condiment.

If you’re not part of the one-fifth of Americans who love mayonnaise on their hot dogs, you might be wondering what you’re missing out on.


So the 2021 survey was backed up by a 2022 poll. Interesting.

20% of our neighbors, apparently.

Neither have we, but here we are.


Well played.

A very similar concept.


It's been our experience food X is more contentious than political X.

Wait, they banned Joey Chestnut from the hot dog eating contest?

They sure did.


Doesn't look that bad.

We'd try it.

We laughed out loud.

Like we said? Food X is brutal.

The beige paint of food, apparently.

Mayo is a French creation, so Paris? We'll go.

You're making us hungry. Kinda.

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