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Jussie Smollett Part Deux: Texas Political Candidate Arrested for Faking Hate Crimes to Smear Opponent

Meme screenshot

Politics is blood sport, and -- these days -- it seems to draw out the absolute worst people, who are willing to say and do some pretty awful things to win elected office (which then gives them control over your life).


Like Taral Patel, in Texas. The Democrat Fort Bend County Commissioner was recently arrested and charged with two counts of Felony Online Impersonation and one Class A misdemeanor charge of Misrepresentation of Identity, a violation of Texas election laws.

Why? Because he created a fake Facebook account, posed as a supporter of his Republican opponent, and posted racist things online to make himself the victim of racism and smear his opponent.

The entire post reads:

Patel got charged with two counts of Felony Online Impersonation and one Class A misdemeanor charge of Misrepresentation of Identity, a Texas Election Code violation.

According to the investigation, Patel started his plot in October 2022 when he created the account with the identity of a real person in Needville, Texas including photos of the person with his family as the profile picture. He crafted the account to make it look like a Trump supporter and posted support for his Republican challenger in a racist way (more details in the thread).


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The warrant reveals the case against Patel, who is charged with two counts of Felony Online Impersonation and one Class A misdemeanor charge of Misrepresentation of Identity, a Texas Election Code violation.

The warrant reveals that Patel targeted his Democratic primary opponent, Abrahim Javed, and his general election opponent, Republican Andy Meyers, the 28-year incumbent Precinct 3 Commissioner.

According to the warrant, Patel's deceptions began in October 2022 when investigators say he used a Needville man's identity to create a Facebook page on which he regularly sent and received messages under the name Antonio Scalywag.

Investigators from the Fort Bend County District Attorney's Office say Patel copied a photo of a man and his family and used it as the profile photo on the Scalywag Facebook page.





Lame, but vile.


It's amazing to see someone face consequences of any kind for doing this stuff.


They have such good ideas, though, we should totally let them govern us.

Say it with us, kids: projection.

Everything the Left says the Right does is all projection.



Lots of people are noticing this.

Absolutely nothing.

Excellent question.

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