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Pass the Aloe: AP Gets MAJOR SUNBURN Over Contradictory Climate Change Story

Journalism meme

You really, really, don't despise the media enough. They don't deserve your respect or your patronage, because all they do is lie and spout propaganda for the Democratic Party and its political allies.


Take this for example:

This writer read this post a half dozen times and it's a contradiction in terms.

The AP tries to explain:

The rate Earth is warming hit an all-time high in 2023 with 92% of last year’s surprising record-shattering heat caused by humans, top scientists calculated.

The group of 57 scientists from around the world used United Nations-approved methods to examine what’s behind last year’s deadly burst of heat. They said even with a faster warming rate they don’t see evidence of significant acceleration in human-caused climate change beyond increased fossil fuel burning.

Last year’s record temperatures were so unusual that scientists have been debating what’s behind the big jump and whether climate change is accelerating or if other factors are in play.

Ah. There's the rub: UN-approved methods.

So, lies.

Totally (not) shocked.

A 'study' where the conclusions are pre-determined, and the solutions always communist.


So much for objective journalism.

Perfect meme for this.

Amazing, isn't it?

This writer remembers how -- when she was in grade school -- they said New York would be underwater by the year 2000.


And the notion if we eat bugs and ride bikes the sun won't influence climate is ultimate hubris and folly.

Some of the environmentalists are not happy with AP, either.

Yeah, we're not the ones engaged in cognitive dissonance here.

The AP can't win.

Which is fine by us.


And it will keep changing.

Environmentalism is all about control.

We've been recording temperatures for a fraction of a percentage of earth's history. We have no idea what 'normal' or 'average' is.

They keep moving the goalposts hoping they'll be right one day.

Spoiler alert: they will not be.


Someone should check on Greta and Al and make sure they're okay. This news has to be devastating for them.

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