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'Give the Devil the Benefit of Law': Political Prosecution of Trump Will Backfire on Dems

AP Photo/Vincent Yu

There is a fantastic scene in Robert Bolt's play 'A Man for All Seasons', about Saint Thomas More, where More explains to his future son-in-law William Roper about giving the devil the benefit of the law. The exchange goes this way:

William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!’

Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?

William Roper: Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!

Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ‘round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!

You can watch it here.

That scene has been on my mind a lot since the guilty verdict was handed down in the Trump trial yesterday. 

It's words the Democrats would do well to read, and read again, until they understand them. For the Left -- Trump is their 'devil', a man they despise for reasons as myriad as grains of sand on the beach. I've long since given up trying to figure out why. They didn't hate Trump when he was an ostensible Democrat, making appearances on SNL and rubbing elbows with C-list celebrities on 'The Apprentice.' He was one of them, who -- if they didn't outright embrace him -- they at least tolerated as one of the tribe.

When he ran as a Republican, a switch was flipped and Trump (who is the same today as he was in the 80s and 90s) was suddenly evil.

Orange Man Bad!

Knowing Trump, including that he was more Democrat than Republican, I didn't vote for him in 2016. I voted for Gary Johnson, and slept like a baby on election night. Am I glad he beat Clinton? Absolutely. Until the day I die, the fact Hillary Clinton was denied her life's one desire -- the presidency -- and was denied it by Donald J. Trump will always make me chuckle.

I was not impressed with his handling of COVID. Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, letting Birx and Fauci dictate policies that made our lives living hells were inexcusable. But Joe Biden -- the racist, clearly demented, angry liar -- was an unacceptable choice in 2020 and I voted for Trump.

I did not (for a variety of reasons, public and personal) wish to relive 2020. Those who have known me through Twitter and in real life know it was not a banner year. My dad died in April and -- thanks to Fauci and crew -- we didn't have a proper memorial service until June, 2022 (while George Floyd had multiple funerals).

So when the election came back to Trump v. Biden, I was sitting on the fence, considering voting for RFK, Jr. (who has some good ideas along with some absolutely bats**t Lefty ones).

Yesterday's verdict changed that.

I am voting for Trump.

Not because I like him. I don't. He's boorish and brash, he isn't a good leader and he makes questionable staffing choices.

He's not ordained by God to save us. He's not the hero some people make him out to be.

However -- gas and groceries and the cost of living were better under Trump. We weren't facing wars in Ukraine or the Middle East or the threat of war in Asia. Illegals weren't pouring over the border and trying to infiltrate our military bases.

Things were better under Trump, for all his flaws.

But the Left has made it clear they, like William Roper in 'A Man for All Seasons', would cut down every law to get their 'devil'. And it won't stop at Trump unless we show them this political persecution won't work.

They will make trumped up charges (pardon the pun) against the next Republican candidate, commissioning -- as Alvin Bragg did -- prosecutors to scour the penal code for some crime they can contort.

Why do I say this? Because I pay attention.

As long as I've followed politics, every Republican candidate was literally Hitler reincarnated. Until the next one came along. The Left hated George W. Bush and Dick Cheney -- and now they love them, praise them as 'reasonable' Republicans because of Trump. When iRon DeSantis was running for president, he was worse than Trump.

So -- logically -- one can conclude the next Republican nominee will also be a criminal. They just have to find the crime(s).

The Left has engaged in significant lawfare for a while now. See what they did to the January 6 defendants -- the President has bragged about sending people to prison for over 840 years (and his audience applauded). They lock up pro-lifers for decades for praying outside abortion clinics.

Meanwhile, actual criminals in places like Chicago, New York, and California commit violent crimes -- repeatedly -- and get set loose to wreak more havoc and take more innocent lives. They call that 'criminal justice reform' and 'equity' and sneer at us when we complain about the deteriorating state of our cities.

I also did something yesterday that I never thought I'd do -- I donated to WinRed, for the Trump campaign. After the verdict, the site apparently went down due to overwhelming traffic.

The Left have -- as Sir Thomas More said -- cut down every law in America to go after their devil. Now that no laws are left standing, they have no place to hide. 

The only question is when do they realize their mistake, and that it's too late to correct it?

Because I know I'm not alone in how I feel -- I have seen several people say the same: they don't like Trump, but this prosecution is a line in the sand and because of it, they will pull the lever for Trump in November.

This backfires on the Democratic Party.

And I can't wait to watch it unfold.


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