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No One Is Above the Law: Biden Makes Hardworking Americans Pay for Another 160,000 Student Loans

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

This writer remembers when the Democrats said no one was above the law, and that restoring norms and decency to the White House was the priority for Joe Biden, along with making sure the middle- and working-class Americans didn't pay more than the rich.


Like all promises from the Democratic Party, those statements came with expiration dates.

Biden just forgave another 160,000 student loans. And by 'forgave' we mean passed along the debt to hardworking Americans.

Norms. Restored.

The AP writes:

The Biden administration is canceling student loans for another 160,000 borrowers through a combination of existing programs.

The Education Department announced the latest round of cancellation on Wednesday, saying it will erase $7.7 billion in federal student loans. With the latest action, the administration said it has canceled $167 billion in student debt for nearly 5 million Americans through several programs.

“From day one of my administration, I promised to fight to ensure higher education is a ticket to the middle class, not a barrier to opportunity,” President Joe Biden said in a statement. “I will never stop working to cancel student debt — no matter how many times Republican-elected officials try to stop us.”

'Republican-elected officials' like the Supreme Court?


Nope. Someone else is paying for it, usually someone who makes much less than the recipient of the student loan forgiveness.


You're welcome, guys and gals.

But no one is above the law.

But he's the good guy here.

Trump is the danger to democracy.

Best economy ever, Jack!

Not a chance.

Our money belongs to him.


Yes, they are.

Sums it up nicely.

And why the GOP isn't hammering this point is beyond us.

That's a perfect way to describe it.

And the fact Biden is ignoring the Supreme Court's ruling to do this would lead to 'Trump is a dictator!' headlines, too.


Here's a chart that shows how much of our money Biden has handed out to gender studies majors:

The same as the Army's budget.

That's all this is. 80% of Americans are paying for the other 20% who took loans they couldn't pay back.

Biden's America, baby.

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