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Brisbane Schoolgirls Afraid to Use Restroom After Their Spaces Were Converted to 'Unisex' Toilets

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

Weird how we never hear about men's toilets or locker rooms becoming gender-neutral or 'unisex', isn't it? Only women's locker rooms and bathrooms must be converted to accommodate men who think they're women.


In Brisbane, girls are afraid to use the bathroom -- a basic and necessary biological function -- because the now unisex spaces are populated with boys loitering outside and urinating in waste bins.

But suck it up, young ladies. Can't make a man feel unsafe or unwelcome.

More from The Daily Mail:

A partially-selective school's decision to convert a girls' bathroom into a unisex toilet block has left parents concerned after a reported 'behavioural incident'.

Prestigious co-ed Brisbane State High School recently converted its P Block of female-only toilets to accommodate for either sex.

Since then, male students have been accused of intimidating female classmates outside the  unisex block and urinating over toilet seats and sanitary bins, the Courier Mail reported.

The decision to change the bathroom's gender restrictions is required by the state's Department of Education and Queensland Human Rights Commission.

The commission has ordered schools to have a specific proportion of both gender specific and unisex toilets.


Just disgusting.

You're correct.

They don't care, and they didn't do a safety assessment because they don't care.

We'd bet you money it's because 'trans individuals don't feel safe around men' or some similar argument.

But girls should feel safe around men who think they're women, or boys who are urinating in waste baskets.

Because reasons.

The patriarchy wins.

Girls' safety takes a back seat to the feelings of men and boys who think they're women/girls.


It's not about having spaces to make accommodations, it's about forcing an ideology on women.

Their rights don't matter.

Because 'trans' issues are the cause du jour and we will all be forced to go along with it.

Bingo. Especially that last point. Girls don't matter.

It is always women, because the misogynists are making the policies.

And a lot of women are going along with it in the name of 'tolerance.'


Yes we do.

Excellent points, all.

We see what you did there.

And yes.

The government has no interest in protecting you, just whatever group is most politically advantageous to them in this moment. And these days, it's the girls who lose, every single time.

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