Tons of celebrities were issuing Valentine’s Day tweets today. However, we doubt that any generated the hilarity caused by Chris Brown’s attempted salute to women. Then again, when your primary claim to fame is beating up your girlfriend, people take you a little less seriously when you talk about treating women well.
No. Way. RT @ChrisBrown: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all the beautiful women in the world. Our queens, mothers, sisters, daughters. I love u.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) February 15, 2013
Oh fuck off you ignorant piece of shit #TeamBreezy“@chrisbrown: CB:HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all the beautiful women in the world. Our Queens"
— Brad (@BradTheBarrel) February 15, 2013
We dont love u RT @ChrisBrown: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all the beautiful women in the world Our queens, mothers, sisters, daughters I love u
— Michelle Fields (@MichelleFields) February 15, 2013
"@chrisbrown: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all the beautiful women in the world. Our Queens.Our mothers, sisters&daughters. I love(to beat) you."
— Anne Stull (@AnneStull) February 15, 2013
No thanks. RT @ChrisBrown: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all the beautiful women in the world. Our queens, mothers, sisters, daughters. I love u.
— Maggie Klaus (@Maggie_Klaus) February 15, 2013
who u beat this time RT @chrisbrown: CB:HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all the beautiful women in the (cont)
— FRANK LUKE (@istoleMIcarJODY) February 15, 2013
Makes me sick–>RT@ChrisBrown:HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all the beautiful women in the world.Our queens, mothers,sisters,daughters.I love u.”
— Paul D. (@pdon115) February 15, 2013
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