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Cue the Tiny Violins! Princeton Hunger Strikers Get ZERO Sympathy for Whining About 'Unsafe' Conditions


If you're going to protest for a cause, and you really believe in that cause, you should be willing to sacrifice and suffer for it. Women who protested for suffrage did. So did civil rights activists in the 60s. They were beaten, harassed, arrested. But they believed their cause was bigger than their personal suffering.


Modern-day campus protesters? Not so much. They think their protests should be more like they're glamping at Cochella and not advocating for a cause.

So when Princeton student's complained about the 'unsafe' conditions surrounding their 'hungers strike for Gaza', they got a lesson in what protests are really all about:

'Shameful and cruel' that Princeton won't indulge their toddler temper tantrums.

They are free to leave any time they want.

But because the protest is not really about Gaza, but about them and their performative virtue signaling, they'll whine on X instead.

It should also be noted this brave protester locked replies. But the quotes are golden.

Including these little tidbits.

We all know why.



Yes it is.

Perfect gif for this.

Nailed it.

They can hunger strike from their dorm room, too.

Embrace it good and hard.


A history book, preferably.

The vegans in this crowd just fainted.



They're totes serious though, guys.


This would be epic.

Exactly as we said.

But they'll lead the revolution. Or something.

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