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Keith Olbermann, Who Rage Quit Twitter/X, Rage Quits the New York Times on Twitter/X


Keith Olbermann is not exactly committed to following through on his threats, so we doubt The New York Times is going to lose a subscriber.

Olbermann spends his days seething about Trump on Twitter/X and posting about dog rescues. Maybe he'd be a happier person if he focused on only the latter.


So what's got crazy Keith so spun up this time?

He's really mad at the liberal New York Times and their chairperson, A.G. Sulzberger, because they reported that our 81-year-old president is old. That's the basic takeaway, at least.

Politico published a piece detailing a petty feud between the White House and The Times that can best be summarized as follows: The White House refuses to give an interview to The New York Times (or nearly anyone else) and Sulzberger's not happy about it. The claim from Politico's source is Sulzberger has 'quietly encouraged' tough reporting on Biden's age because he's mad at The White House. For their part, The White House is very angry that The Times would report on such things when the survival of democracy hangs in the balance (seriously, that's what they said).

Olbermann took a momentary break from his rantings about sending Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to Gitmo to bemoan the threat to American democracy posed by Sulzberger. Hey, we didn't say he was consistent.


Twitter/X users found Olbermann's claims to be a subscriber to The Times as a fifth grader to be highly dubious.

Reading The New York Times your entire life starting at ten years old would, however, explain some things about Keith Olbermann.


People were quick to point out to Olbermann that he's made these empty threats before. He claimed he was leaving Twitter/X last November after getting super mad (imagine that) over Elon Musk's takeover of the platform.


If there's one thing you can be sure about Keith Olbermann it's that …

… his threats are empty. Yep, he was back on Twitter/X in less than twenty-four hours.


We're sure Keith will be mad about something entirely different tomorrow. He might even write an op-ed in The New York Times about it.

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