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'American Sniper' Widow Taya Kyle Confronts Obama On Live TV With This Simple Question


As we reported earlier this morning, President Obama’s town hall was supposed to be a chance for him to sell the concept of gun control on live television. Instead, it turned into a chance for an Arizona sheriff to call out the president’s absurd plan.


Unbeknownst to President Obama, Taya Kyle, the widow of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle was also in attendance, and had a question that left the president struggling for a legitimate response.

Earlier Thursday morning before the town hall, Taya Kyle wrote a must-read op-ed for CNN:

“My government has proven that it’s not able to protect me against people who want to kill,” said Taya Kyle. “And I don’t blame the government, because there is only one person to blame here: The man or woman who decided to kill.

We have slipped into a land of government that has promised the moon, seldom delivered and driven us into a world of more laws, more government, and less freedom — and none of that has stopped murder, pain and suffering.

No government can provide the utopia many seek. My hope for this country is that we remain a people who value freedom, who have the courage to face the realities with faithful hearts instead of anxious ones. I hope our people hold tight to the notion that we do not have to be a fear-ridden country focused on restrictions, but rather that we remain the land of the free and home of the brave.”

Watch her brave stand against President Obama here:


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