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Is Linda Sarsour raising money for the wrong 'hate crime' victim?

Terrorist apologist Linda Sarsour has made a name for herself pretending to give a damn about justice for women. Since yesterday, Sarsour’s been trying to spread awareness and raise money for Rahma Warsame, a Somali woman in Columbus, Ohio. According to Sarsour, Warsame was “brutally beaten” in a hate crime — and Sarsour’s sharing the photos to prove it:


CAIR even held a press conference:

Sarsour demanded that the police investigate:

Sarsour quickly shot down any alternative explanations:


Well, police have investigated the incident … and their findings don’t line up with Sarsour’s account of what happened:

According to the Daily Caller, Samantha Morales claimed that Warsame was part of a group of men and women who attacked her after she confronted a woman who was screaming at her son and hitting him with a shoe.


“What happened is not what she is claiming. The woman that is in the hospital, I feel sorry for her, but she is one of the women who was kicking and hitting me after I got tased,” Morales told TheDC in a phone interview on Monday.

Morales, who works as an insurance claims agent, says that her boyfriend, Ricky Boyce, is the man alleged by Sarsour and CAIR to be the white man who hurled racial insults at Warsame.

“They’re not even mentioning that I was the victim. They came at me. The woman that’s in the hospital is part of the group that was aggressing me,” Morales said.


Read the whole thing.

Unsurprisingly, Sarsour isn’t satisfied with the police’s conclusion thus far:

And she’s lashing out at anyone daring to question her account of what happened.

At the very least, it appears that there’s more to this story than Sarsour is willing to admit. But given her track record, credibility is not on her side.


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