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It doesn't get much worse than The Nation's take on Syrian chemical weapons attacks

This is a real headline from The Nation, a real publication:


The headline? Awful. And Juan Cole’s piece is no better:

The gas attack in Syria on April 4 consumed the world’s attention and galvanized the Trump White House, leading to the launch of 59 cruise missiles on a small airport from which the regime of Bashar al-Assad has been bombing the fundamentalist rebels in Idlib Province. The pictures of suffering children, Trump said, had touched him. Yet the president and most of his party are committed to increasing the daily release of hundreds of thousands of tons of a far more deadly gas. And that is carbon dioxide. Climate scientist James Hansen has described our current emissions as like setting off 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs each day, every day of the year.

As Representative Keith Ellison has pointed out, some two-thirds of Syrian refugees are women and children, and fully one-third of them are under the age of 12. The world was shocked in September 2015, at the image of little Aylan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach, having failed to make it to a Greek island. Aylan was a Syrian refugee, not only from war, but from climate change. Trump and the climate-destroyers he brought into office with him such as Rex Tillerson and Scott Pruitt are not driven by compassion for victims. They are animated by a callous and rapacious search for profits for themselves and their cronies. If they cared about children killed by noxious gases, they wouldn’t want to ban Syrian refugees like the Kurdis from the United States. Nor would they want to spew ever more tons of the most noxious gas of all into the blue skies of the only planetary home the human race has.


Speaking of noxious …

Cole and The Nation should be ashamed.

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