Plenty of conservatives out there still aren’t thrilled with the prospect of President Trump, but tweets like this might just make it all worth it in the end.
Confronted by the news that Donald Trump has secured at least 270 electoral votes, Touré had this to say:
Going to his room and slamming the door? Now, if that doesn’t perfectly capture the liberal mentality this year, we don’t know what does.
I knew it was coming but it hits in the gut nonetheless.
— Kendra Petrichor (@kikuandjuju) December 19, 2016
so make him the president of the electoral college but 3 million MORE voters cast their ballot for the Democrat! #NotMyPresident
— KnotIookin (@knotiookin) December 19, 2016
Beat you to it! Sought refuge under my covers! WTH America!
— ClassySassy (@ColorMeTiff) December 19, 2016
I'm upping my Celexa prescription tomorrow. I can't deal with this…
— S Wilkins (@MissSwilki) December 19, 2016
Yep. That’s totally healthy and mature.
Their inability to cope with reality will no doubt only make things worse for them down the road, but at least we can enjoy ourselves.
Day made.
— William Amos (@WilliamAmos) December 19, 2016
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