Woah. https://t.co/GC7vJ0YM24
— NeoN: Automataster (@neontaster) June 3, 2016
As Twitchy told you, Vox editor Emmett Rensin offered readers some helpful “advice”:
People understandably wondered what, if anything, Vox would do about it. Because, after all, this is Vox we’re dealing with.
But as it turns out, Vox founder Ezra Klein didn’t just ignore the issue:
Here’s Klein’s full statement:
On Thursday night, Emmett Rensin, the deputy editor of Vox’s first person section, sent a series of tweets that, among other things, urged people to riot if Donald Trump comes to their town.
We at Vox do not take institutional positions on most questions, and we encourage our writers to debate and disagree. But direct encouragement of riots crosses a line between expressing a contrary opinion and directly encouraging dangerous, illegal activity. We welcome a variety of viewpoints, but we do not condone writing that could put others in danger.
In this case, Emmett’s tweets violated Vox’s standards and Emmett has been suspended as a consequence.
This is a good statement from Vox. https://t.co/54ecWWbsl9
— alexandriabrown (@alexthechick) June 3, 2016
I'm surprised, but good on you. https://t.co/I5NjM2PDF6
— Brandon Darby (@brandondarby) June 3, 2016
Really impressed with your actions. Great work Ezra and Vox at doing your part to keep american political process violence-free.
— Andrew Mutz (@andrewmutz) June 3, 2016
@voxdotcom the right thing to do.
— squirrelly (@igfromthe603) June 3, 2016
This was the appropriate response imo
— Laurent Ruseckas (@LaurentRuseckas) June 3, 2016
whoa, I'm floored. Broken clock/twice a day and all, but I'll give you cred when you are right.
— Dudley Walden (@KYWrangler) June 3, 2016
Credit where credit is due. Thank you for doing the right thing. @chadfelixg
— While Supplies Last (@corrcomm) June 3, 2016
Well done.
— Galen Broaddus (@ILSecCelebrant) June 3, 2016
good on you. Wish the RNC held their candidate to the same standard
— John Fitzpatrick (@maddfitz) June 3, 2016
But not everyone’s so impressed with Klein’s decision:
and you conveniently overlooked his other abuse and harassment of women and people of color? Lovely
— Gen X Cosmic Dancer ?️? (@EtreEtro) June 3, 2016
Gee whiz – what a bold move !! pfffttttt. What do you have to do to actually get fired ?!?! Is that even possible there ???
— Marvin the Martian (@the_kaboom) June 3, 2016
suspended, not fired. Coward. @voxdotcom
— Mark C, austere BBQ scholar ?? (@UntraceableMC) June 3, 2016
.@emmettrensin a silly manchild poseur, but suspension equally silly given he's voiced sentiments countless times. https://t.co/rkVYFP9LXD
— The Nats Won The World Series (@EsotericCD) June 3, 2016
"Suspension" for saying what one has said over & over in past is cowardice. Hire or fire. "Suspension"="plz forget about this until next wk"
— The Nats Won The World Series (@EsotericCD) June 3, 2016
My view is Vox should not fire OR suspend @emmettrensin. They knew what he believed going in. Doubling back now under fire is just craven.
— The Nats Won The World Series (@EsotericCD) June 3, 2016
And then there’s this to consider:
what? Vox wrote the book on encouraging riots. https://t.co/8sbrhe1QSd
— jim silver, man. ? (@jimesilverman) June 3, 2016
What about the Vox article by German Lopez justifying riots more broadly? Exact same principle.
— CloudFactory (@Row_Boat_Cop) June 3, 2016
Hmmm … can they Voxsplain this one?
People can’t wait for a Voxsplainer about editor’s call to riot when Trump’s in town
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