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CBS' anticipatory tweet might be even cringier than Sam Smith's Satan-worship-y Grammy performance

In case you missed it, self-identified nonbinary singer Sam Smith performed his song “Unholy” at the Grammy Awards last night. And we’re not exaggerating when we say that this was a thing that happened:


Honestly, Philip should probably take a few deep breaths and step back. It’s not worth getting genuinely upset or losing any sleep over this. It’s just … boring. Pa-layed out.

Maybe depicting devil worship was subversive at one point, but it hasn’t been for the past several decades. If anything, it’s almost quaint. Sam Smith wanted so badly to get a rise out of people and we suppose it worked in this case, but people need to stop taking the bait. Because that’s all this is: bait. Really, really stale bait.


Colorful, but accurate nonetheless.

Now that would have been something.

Anyway, just because Smith’s performance was tiresome and lazy doesn’t mean that it can’t still teach us something. Not necessarily about Smith, but about the mainstream media. Or at least CBS.

Prior to the show, Smith tweeted out what we can only assume was supposed to be a tantalizing teaser for his upcoming performance:

Well, CBS’ official Twitter account got one look at that hat with the devil horns and fell in love:

That tweet might actually be even cringier than Smith’s whole performance. It’s just so sad. They’re trying so hard, but they just look like try-hards.


Exactly. Wut.

Put aside the devil-worshiping angle. It’s such a bad tweet. Everyone should at the very least be able to agree on that.

Eventually, Sam Smith will fade into obscurity. CBS is already well on their way. It’s a real race to the bottom.

But you know what never goes out of style? Having shame. For the love of God (or Satan, if you prefer), CBS. Have a little shame.



MAN, he feels like a woman! Singer Sam Smith says he’s part lady because heels or something

Ben Shapiro busts SJWs’ hypocrisy (with a little help from ‘gender fluid’ Sam Smith)


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