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This is fine: Biden judicial nominee can't answer Sen. Kennedy's questions about the Constitution

The Senate Judiciary Committee is holding confirmation hearings for Joe Biden’s judicial nominees today. One of those nominees is Judge Charnelle Bjelkengren, who came recommended by Washington Democratic Sen. Patty Murray to serve as a U.S. District Court Judge in the Eastern District of Washington. According to Murray herself, Judge Bjelkengren is more than qualified for the job.


And with that in mind, after watching this, we have serious concerns about Patty Murray’s judgment of character and competence:

Well, we can say this much: we expect nothing less from someone nominated by Joe Biden. Or any Democrat, really.

So much for that.

Yikes, guys.

To say the least.

Sen. Kennedy doesn’t seem super enthused about this particular candidate. And who can blame him? The average American couldn’t tell you what Article V or Article II of the Constitution say, but the average American isn’t a U.S. District Court nominee. It’s literally Charnelle Bjelkengren’s job to know this stuff. And it’s the Biden administration’s job to make sure that she knows this stuff before they stick her in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, where questions about the U.S. Constitution are pretty likely to come up.


Hopefully she at least got to stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


What he said.


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