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D'OH! Mary Katharine Ham notes hypocrisy of public schools closing for #DayWithoutAWoman

Remember when the Left was screeching that Betsy DeVos would shut down public schools?

Good times.

As Twitchy reported yesterday, SO many teachers in certain areas have called in for Wednesday’s #DayWithoutAWoman that schools are closing down for the day. Because nothing says WOMEN ARE EQUAL like ditching out of work and robbing children of a day of education.


Great example they’re setting.

Right? Didn’t we hear for weeks and weeks how evil Betsy DeVos would shut down public schools … and yet the first ones to do just that are feminists?

Ironic, ain’t it?

Oh it’s ok if those kids go hungry on Wednesday, their teachers need to prove they’re valuable or something.

Hrm, good point. So if the school is closed that means the male teachers ALSO have the day off … what about the patriarchy?!

If the Left had logic yes, this is what it would look like.

The children!


For the children? Some schools to close on ‘Day Without a Woman’

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