If you're in the media and your chief worry is that Trump called a bombing a bombing too early for you, please find another line of work.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 18, 2016
The media was literally falling all over themselves to use the #ChelseaNYC bomb against Donald Trump in any way they could. Oh noez, he called a bomb a bomb … quick, let’s write about how stupid Trump is so we don’t have to write about how absolutely useless Democrats have been in stopping terror.
He should have waited until the media came up with a rationalization. @benshapiro
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) September 18, 2016
Oh, that’s right.
Ben…forgive them. They are panicked right now. Polls are all Trump and Hillary is declining rapidly. There's an agenda here.
— Chief "Shaman of Arizona Football" Steelfeather (@Chiefzona1472) September 18, 2016
Always always ALWAYS an agenda with the media.
A warped sense of reality where Hillary is their queen and they do everything in their power to destroy any and all opposition. Scary, right? Forget that Hillary also called this a bomb …
If you watch them interview #Hillary, her first words are to call it a bombing.Then the press criticize #Trump for bomb comment.
— CJ (@nannacassie) September 18, 2016
Clearly Hillary had just crawled out of bed and was super tired or something so she can’t be held accountable for the nonsense that came out of her mouth.
The Hill's headline is "believed to be an "intentional act." Like someone did this by accident? Call 911. Journalism is dead.
— KimE (@HarborDawg3) September 18, 2016
Face it, of course the media could spin this into some sort of accident. Let’s see … the ‘terrorist’ just accidentally dumped an IED into that dumpster, he thought it was a sub sandwich wrapper.
Yeah, that’s it.
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