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Best part of the Tucker Carlson, Kurt Eichenwald nutty interview? This Tucker Carlson face

As Twitchy readers know, it was Peak Twitter last night after Tucker Carlson wiped the floor with Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald during an interview on his Fox News show that was chock full of cuckoo pants. Post-interview, Eichenwald completely lost it on Twitter with a forty-six (FORTY. SIX) tweet meltdown, one of which accused President-elect Trump of “amphetamine” use.


Heh. Eichenwald then swiftly deleted all of the tweets. But, wait! He returned later with more ranting, including a tweet allegedly posted by his wife claiming that Eichenwald had a seizure due to a GIF sent to him. If true, hopefully his wife put down the Twitter and got him some help.

As for the interview itself?

Besides being awesome, a photo stood out. People are loving this Tucker Carlson face.


This face is pretty good too.


And of course, there is this:

Kudos for keeping a straight face for so long first! As for Eichenwald, this photo comparison says it all:

Oh boy. As we noted earlier, the one on the left is his Twitter bio photo. Curious!

Related: Kurt Eichenwald frantically deletes post-Tucker Carlson interview meltdown tweets; We’ve got them!; UPDATE: He’s still going (crazy); UPDATE: Claims seizure

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