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Manifesto of TN Trans Shooter Audrey Hale FINALLY Released and SHOCKER, We Were Right All Along

Meme screenshot

We all remember March of 2023 when a transgender man (biological woman) targeted Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee and killed six, three of whom were 9-year-old children. Audrey Hale was reported to have written a manifesto of sorts which was hidden from the public for over a year. Well, not anymore, the manifesto has finally been released to the public, and surprise! We were all right about her mentality leading up the shooting.


Hale's writings showcase a glaring break from reality.

'My penis exists in my head. I swear to god I’m a male.'

Townhall reports that her writings also said that being raised as the girl that she objectively was was 'torture'. She also claimed she 'would kill' in order to be placed on puberty blockers.

The Tennessee Star reports that she claimed she feared 'being called a dyke or a f*****' during high school before feeling liberated in college and eventually learning about transgenderism in her early 20s.

Not to mention, telling these people that they're being 'exterminated' by conservatives is feeding their mental illness, and we are starting to see an uptick in violent incidents perpetrated by transgender individuals as a result. They are literally being told constantly that there is a genocide of transgender people going on.


Yeah, neither are we.

For all the Democrats' big talk about 'dangerous and violent rhetoric', they sure shut up quick when their own rhetoric has dangerous and violent outcomes. *stares in James Hodgkinson*.

There is a staggering amount of correlation between mental health issues and mass shootings, but no one on the left seems willing to have that talk. They're too busy focusing on the guns.


Of course not, it's harmful to the left's narrative.

However much you think you hate the corporate media, it's not enough.

Excellent points. The full text of John's post reads as such: 'Whoever leaked the contents of Audrey Hale’s manifesto is a hero. The people of Middle Tennessee deserved to know what motivated this heinous crime in our community. Hale was clearly a mentally disturbed woman who needed intervention she never got. Even worse, she was discipled by the trans agenda into thinking that she could cure her problems by changing her body and outward presentation. Her deep self-hatred and hatred of others led her to make a horrific decision. We need to use this information to stop future Audrey Hales from committing acts of violence.'


Like we said, you don't hate the corporate media enough.


Well, they are petty and corrupt, so there's that.


It's well past time to stop letting the inmates run the asylum and get ahold of the very real mental health crisis in our country. Gun control will not solve this problem, and neither will 'gender-affirming care' or 'inclusivity' or whatever else the left seems to think is a solution.

It's time to realize how unhealthy and dangerous these ideologies are.


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