Ah, priorities. The murderous rampage of ISIS continues while Obama goes to Paris for a summit on the climate.
Nope, still working on that one. He’ll probably gain more clarity on it after a few more rounds of golf.
"Oh, no! Not a new long-term framework of verifiable emission reductions!" ~ ISIS https://t.co/zXPJFY7J2S
— jon gabriel (@exjon) November 29, 2015
How about a "verifiable" check on Iran's nukes? Nah. https://t.co/QU03Nonkld
— Winston Coolidge (@winstoncoolidge) November 29, 2015
Can’t hold Iran accountable for the flimsiest deal in history. Can’t fight ISIS. Can’t vet Syrian refugees. But hey, it’s time for a climate change summit!
@markknoller Can't Paris keep him?
— JRamsay (@spirit_lead) November 29, 2015
Adam Baldwin wants Reason to explain the difference between justice and ‘climate justice’
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