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'This is fear porn': Sam Stein says the 'next few weeks are going to be a [Covid] horror show I fear'

Politico’s Sam Stein reports “The sheer number of anecdotal COVID related infections, disruptions, warning signs today is pretty chilling” and that the “Next few weeks are going to be a horror show I fear”:


In other words, “This is fear porn” and “If you’re vaccinated, ignore this”:

And is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis somehow responsible?


We warned them:


Anyyway, this is what we get with a NY-DC based journo class:

So, where does the media go from here? Brian Stelter writes that they “must continue to highlight testing problems”:

Personally, for what little it’s worth, my view aligns with Reason mag senior editor Robby Soave: “Basically everyone is going to get covid eventually,” he wrote, “and when you get it, you’re either going to be vaccinated, or you’re going to wish you were vaccinated.” Coming down with Covid in December 2021 means something different than it did in December 2020. So news coverage must convey that and explain why. And the coverage must continue to highlight testing problems. Access to vaccines was a big story; access to testing should be, as well… 


Oh. He means like this, right?

Boy, we really would like the media to start holding the Biden administration accountable! When’s that going to happen?


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