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'Written by a white author': It's pretty clear blue-checks did not click on the link in this Jake Tapper tweet on 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

CNN’s Jake Tapper shared this link to a local report out of Washington state on the Mukilteo School District pulling “To Kill a Mockingbird” from its curriculum, which, as you’d expect, as lots of blue-checks up in arms:


But it’s pretty clear that many of the people commenting on Tapper’s link didn’t bother to watch the report. Because, if they had, they’d find out right quick that it’s not conservatives who are behind the move. From the video:

“The use of the N-word within the text like ‘To Kill a Mockingbird written by a white author who lacks the cultural lens to accurately present the lived experience of racism by the marginalized, then placed in the hands of teachers who lack that same knowledge does nothing but reinforce the concept of racism.”

LOL. Guys, CLICK the link before commenting, heh?


Now, let’s see if any of these people correct themselves.



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