Earlier today, Michael Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, asked people to donate to his client’s legal fund at MichaelCohenTruth.com. Via TV Newser:
Davis: Could I take one opportunity to remind everyone that Michael Cohen has suffered a tragic and difficult experience with his family. He’s without resources and we’ve set up a website called Michaelcohentruth.com that we’re hoping that he will get some help from the American people so he can continue to tell the truth.
Yeah … about that…
It seems that Davis gave the website’s address out before he actually purchased the domain and now it directs to DonaldJTrump.com:
This is interesting. @LannyDavis on @FoxNews earlier today said they set up a @GoFundMe page for Michael Cohen at https://t.co/ujdLp76TkV
Well-if you click on that, guess where it sends you?! https://t.co/mdcnZXnaHE I think he mentioned it BEFORE they had locked up the domain— Bret Baier (@BretBaier) August 22, 2018
Although Davis gave out the wrong website, people are still flocking to the GoFundMe page Davis set up with $111,084 raised as of the time of this post.
dumb dumbs, dont donate money to michael cohen
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) August 22, 2018
They’ll never learn.
FLASHBACK: Here's what Donald Trump and Lanny Davis had to say about John Edwards in 2011 and 2012 https://t.co/IYCkcIOrjJ
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 22, 2018
SADDEST GOFUNDME EVER! Morning Joe viewers not psyched to contribute to "Michael Cohen Truth Fund" https://t.co/w2ytugzWEW
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 22, 2018
SHOCKER! GoFundMe for Peter Strzok going so well the bar has been raised MUCH higher https://t.co/M52le7ddN6
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 14, 2018
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