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FAKE NEWS: The SLEAZY NY Times corrects Patriots-Trump article, but the viral tweet is still up

As an update to this story we told you about Wednesday night, the New York Times has removed the picture of the Patriots’ 2015 visit to the White House:

Correction: April 19, 2017

An earlier version of this article included photos comparing the size of the Patriots’ gathering at the White House in 2015 and the gathering on Wednesday. The photo from Wednesday only showed players and coaches; the 2015 photo showed players, coaches and support staff and has been removed.


Well then, why hasn’t the paper deleted the now viral tweet? Over 42,000 RTs, and counting:

For comparison purposes, a tweet with a link to article that doesn’t include the photo from 2015 has only been RTd less than 20 times:

Hey, fake news sells.

The Times did later retweet out the fact-check from the Patriots:


But that’s too little too late. The paper should delete the tweet that they’re earning clicks off because of their admitted error.



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