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Sean Spicer gets AMBUSHED by a lib at an Apple store, responds with a smile


A video is going viral of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer getting ambushed while he was at an Apple store.

Twitter user @shreec, who allegedly shot the video, is heard asking Spicer questions such as, “Have you helped with the Russia stuff?” “Have you committed treason, too?” “You know you work for a fascist, right?” And, “Do you feel good about lying to the American people.”

For some reason, Spicer didn’t answer any of the citizen journalist’s questions and just smiled as he finished his purchase:

Can’t the man just buy some electronics in peace? Nah — he had it coming, according to lefty Twitter:


FWIW — In an earlier tweet, @shreec bragged about being one of the people who blocked Betsy DeVos from entering a D.C. public school in February:



BAM! Photo shows Betsy DeVos had the LAST LAUGH at today’s visit to DC school #ShePersisted

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