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Jake Tapper, @ReaganBatallion respond to Milo Yiannopoulos--George Takei comparison

Now that former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos has faced the music over his past inappropriate comments that seemed to endorse sex between adults and children, shouldn’t we hold anti-Trump actor George Takei to the same standard?


Here’s Takei saying basically the same thing as Milo to Howard Stern (fast-forward to the 2:20 mark):

CNN’s Jake Tapper, who bashed Milo on Twitter Sunday night, called Takei’s comments “horrifying”:

While The Reagan Battalion, the anonymous group of #NeverTrump conservatives who first posted the Milo video, called Takei’s comments “AS BA[D] as Milo’s comments!”:


Exit question: Will #NeverTrumper Evan McMullin now distance himself from Takei?


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