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The New York Times just dropped a bomb on Hillary Clinton over her treatment of women (yes, really!)

The New York Times has a bombshell of a report out Sunday night outlining how badly Hillary Clinton treated the women who accused Bill Clinton of infidelity during the 1992 campaign. Or, in other words, the article proves that everything Donald Trump said about Hillary was right:


The “I would crucify her” quote referred to what Hillary Clinton would do to Gennifer Flowers “in front of a jury”:

But at a news conference the next day, Ms. Flowers reasserted her claims, playing excerpts from her calls with Mr. Clinton. The two could be heard discussing the attention the rumors were getting, and she joked about his sexual talents.

Glimpsing the news conference in South Dakota, Mrs. Clinton directed an aide to get Mr. Clinton on the phone, Gail Sheehy, a journalist traveling with her, recalled in a recent interview.

“It was a reaction of no surprise, but immediate anger and action,” said Ms. Sheehy, who also described her observations in a Vanity Fair article that year. “Not anger at Bill, but at Flowers, the press and Republicans.”

Back on a plane that night, Mrs. Clinton told Ms. Sheehy that if she were to question Ms. Flowers in front of a jury, “I would crucify her.”

Whatever happened to, “you have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed and we’re with you“?

It gets worse for the grandma who wants to be president. According to the New York Times, Hillary Clinton was in on the decision to hire a private investigator to look into Flowers’ past:


The goal being to destroy Flowers “beyond all recognition”:

More from the Times:

Weeks later, a small group of campaign aides, along with Mrs. Clinton, met at the governor’s mansion in Little Rock, and they made a pivotal decision: They would hire Jack Palladino, a private investigator known for tactics such as making surreptitious recordings and deploying attractive women to extract information.

An aide to the campaign, who declined to be publicly identified because the aide had not been authorized to speak for the Clintons, said Mrs. Clinton was among those who had discussed and approved the hiring, which shifted the campaign to a more aggressive posture.

Mr. Kantor, the campaign chairman, said he did not know whether Mrs. Clinton had specifically approved Mr. Palladino’s employment as the other aide recalled. But he said that she had seen a need for outside help.

“She believed we had to deal with the issue directly,” Mr. Kantor said.

Mr. Palladino, who did not respond to requests for an interview, reported to James Lyons, a lawyer working for the campaign. In a memo that he addressed to Mr. Lyons on March 30, Mr. Palladino proposed a full-court press on Ms. Flowers.

“Every acquaintance, employer, and past lover should be located and interviewed,” Mr. Palladino wrote. “She is now a shining icon — telling lies that so far have proved all benefit and no cost — for any other opportunist who may be considering making Clinton a target.”


For Hillary supporters, however, this isn’t too big a deal because she supports abortion:

Now, let’s see how much of this sticks during the next news cycle or will the MSM decide to move on now that the story is moving in Trump’s direction?


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