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Chick-fil-A opened on Sunday in Orlando to feed people donating blood

Editor’s note: Oops! It looks like we duplicated a story we covered last night. Our apologies:

Chick-fil-A, demonized by big city mayors, steps up to assist blood drive after Orlando shooting


Well done:

From WFTV:

Workers at a Chick-fil-A location in Orlando parted with tradition Sunday by preparing food for people waiting in line to donate blood in response to the weekend shooting that left 49 dead and 53 wounded in the Florida city, according to media reports.

A handful of workers passed out sandwiches and iced tea as thousands of donors answered the call to give blood in the wake of the shooting at Pulse, a popular gay nightclub. Officials have called the shooting a terrorist attack.

Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A is famously closed on Sundays, a day founder Truett Cathy believed should be spent with family.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, who called for a boycott of Chick-fil-A in NYC, hardest hit:

JetBlue also stepped up, offering free flights to Orlando for family members of the victims:


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