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Dan Bongino shreds Philly Enquirer editorial board's defense of Biden on gas prices (bring on the receipts!)

President Biden, his administration and many Democrats continue to brand record-high gas prices and inflation as “Putin’s price hikes” in desperate attempts to deflect all blame. Most people aren’t buying the spin, but fortunately for the Biden White House they’ve got a large segment of the media who are more than willing to carry enough water to fill up the Grand Canyon.


The Philadelphia Inquirer’s editorial board did their part today:

The lib media are quickly circling the wagons, but only one reaction is necessary:

It is laughable.


The editorial begins this way:

Presidents have little control over gas prices, but that hasn’t stopped angry motorists from blaming President Joe Biden for the record highs they are paying.

Current pump prices are due largely to the basic economics of supply and demand. Much of the global economy shut down during the pandemic, and oil prices plummeted as demand evaporated virtually overnight. In April 2020, the price of a barrel of oil dropped below zero for the first time ever, and gasoline dropped below $2 a gallon.

As demand dried up, oil companies cut back on production and exploration. When the economy bounced back, demand for oil increased but production has not been able to keep pace. With demand far outstripping supply, prices have skyrocketed.


The editorial board wrote that “Biden has taken steps to lower prices.” Those “steps” are more like desperate measures (calling for a gas tax holiday and releasing oil from the nation’s strategic reserve) as Biden’s approval keeps on nosediving.

Dan Bongino has served up many reasons that show Biden’s done more to drive up the price of gas than lower it. Hopefully the Philly Inquirer editorial board will take these into consideration (they won’t):

“Biden White House blocks Virgin Islands refinery expansion permit over pollution concerns”

“Biden administration cancels oil and gas lease sales in Alaska, Gulf of Mexico”

“Biden looks to pressure investors away from fossil fuels via climate disclosures”

“Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in slew of executive actions on climate change”

“Keystone pipeline officially canceled after Biden revokes key permit”


“SEC’s Climate Disclosure Rules Advance Biden’s Epic Whole-Of-Government Regulatory Agenda”

“EPA Retroactively Denies Legacy RFS Waivers, Making More Denials Likely”

And don’t forget that Biden literally promised to get rid of fossil fuels:

Biden’s “climate czar” John Kerry has also said there’s too much fossil fuel dependence (as long as there’s enough for his private jet you can do without) and that we don’t need to do more drilling.

This administration wants fossil fuel prices to skyrocket.

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