After Donald Trump’s address yesterday that sent many “journalists” into a frenzy, former press secretary for George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer, mentioned a recent claim about the origination of “birther” theories:
Hillary calls on Trump 2apologize for his birther remarks. Will she apologize 4 her staff spreading that rumor when she ran vs Obama in '08?
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) September 16, 2016
A former speechwriter for President Obama wasn’t having any of it and accused Fleischer of lying:
.@AriFleischer you're lying, Ari – and you're smart enough to know you're lying, which makes it even worse.
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) September 16, 2016
I did not say she started it. I said her staff spread it, and you know that is true.
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) September 16, 2016
.@AriFleischer you're lying, and you know it, and it's disgusting.
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) September 16, 2016
That said, consider the source:
It's pretty amazing that the speechwriter who came up with "If you like your plan you can keep it" is saying this.
— Jason (@jasonelevation) September 16, 2016
Ha! When one of the people who helped craft what ended up being 2013’s “lie of the year” accuses somebody of lying, taking it with a grain of salt might be wise.
Amazing that he'd have cajones to tweet this. Thinking these folks are dead from the neck, up.
— TheGreyLady٩(◔‸◔)۶ (@MorphingZbornak) September 16, 2016
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