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Elon Musk tells Glenn Greenwald they could just write one hit piece and share it, since they're all the same

There’s a new piece in The Atlantic claiming that Elon Musk isn’t the political centrist that he claims to be. Or maybe Musk really is a political centrist, and The Atlantic is in such a liberal bubble it doesn’t know that it’s a leftist rag. Note the assumption: Musk’s tweets, actions, and associations suggest he might be more right-wing than he claims to be, and that’s, obviously, a bad thing. Musk even voted Republican in the midterms, which was a first for him.

Musk also follows Glenn Greenwald on Twitter, and we all know that Greenwald is a far-right Substack writer. Greenwald distrusts the U.S. security state as much as he always has, but good leftists now love the CIA and the FBI, surveillance, censorship, and more. Hey, why not have the Biden administration buy Twitter and have the government run it? That’s the Left today.

Here’s The Atlantic’s latest contribution:

I used to be a newspaper reporter back in the late ’80s and early ’90s, and do you know where most newspaper stories come from? Press releases. The reporter doesn’t drive around his beat and happen upon a story … PR companies that get paid a lot of money send in already-written stories. The reporter’s job is just to change the words around a bit to make it his own, and maybe call the “subject matter expert” whose info is on the press release to get a quote or two to liven things up. Things are only slightly different in the internet age, except that reporters may have gotten even lazier.



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