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Justin Trudeau absolutely refuses to acknowledge the anti-mandate protesters as anything but racists and transphobes

In the run-up to the weekend’s protests across Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dismissed the protesters as a “small, fringe minority” who held “unacceptable views.” Retreating to his undisclosed location, he continued to paint the protesters who descended on Parliament Hill as a bunch of racists, and the Globe and Mail even got in on the act by denouncing the use of the word “peaceful” to describe the protests because it overlooked the “non-violent danger” they posed.


As Twitchy reported, Trudeau posted a Twitter thread Monday expressing the “shock” and “disgust” Canadians felt at seeing the protesters in action. As we said then, if Trudeau has said anything positive about the people expressing their right to protest, we haven’t heard it.

Now it’s Tuesday and he’s still scolding the protesters.





He’s just not going to let this go.


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