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Woman promoting universal daycare wants to silence the patriarchal voice in your head saying children are best loved at home

There’s a piece in Romper this week by Kathryn Jezer-Morton, who wants to dispel the notion that when we drop our kids off at daycare, “our society becomes less tender, less loving.” Jezer-Morton, conversely, found it was only after dropping off her son at daycare that she “began to love children in general.”


Ah yes, the patriarchy. Jenzer-Morton writes:

American families, you need this. There will never be more political will than there is now, in the wreckage of this pandemic. It will be hard to make a case for a universal day care program on the grounds that it makes the world more tender. You’ll have to convince your governments that it makes financial sense. But first you’ll have to convince yourselves. You will need to silence the voice inside your head that has internalized the patriarchal belief that children are best loved at home, exclusively by their mothers.

Because in America today, there are only two types of mothers of young children: mothers in crisis and mothers experiencing neoliberal Stockholm syndrome.

What’s the crisis? “Women have taken on the burden of caring for a homebound nation of children while working from home.” OK, what’s the Stockholm syndrome? It’s the belief that women “must have made the mistake of marrying a man who doesn’t pull his weight around the house. This is Stockholm syndrome because without necessarily realizing it, these women have come to sympathize with the systems that control and oppress people like them.”


A fun quiz for all you moms out there: Which type of mother are you? The mother in crisis, or the mother experiencing neoliberal Stockholm syndrome?


The self-proclaimed Marxists behind the Black Lives Matter movement (and creators of the Black Lives Matter at School curriculum) explicitly state they want to “disrupt” the nuclear family, which is symptomatic of white supremacy, and encourage collectivism over individualism.





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