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Is president's assessment of the White House as 'a real dump' a downgrade from 'a really nice prison'?

The August 7 edition of Sports Illustrated will feature an in-depth story about President Donald Trump and his relationship with the game of golf, but there’s one brief quote that’s certain to fuel several days of parsing and analysis.


Alan Shipnuck reports:

As President, Trump has already made four visits to the club [Bedminster]. He has his own cottage adjacent to the pool; it was recently given a secure perimeter by the Secret Service, leading to the inevitable joke that it’s the only wall Trump has successfully built. Chatting with some members before a recent round of golf, he explained his frequent appearances: “That White House is a real dump.”

Was he joking around, or being serious? It’s awfully difficult to tell from the transcript alone, but most people seem to be taking him at his word.


Honestly? It kind of sounds like he was kidding, although we often find ourselves pretty much alone in that assumption.

Admittedly, conservatives did have a similar reaction when Michelle Obama described the White House as having “prison-like elements,” although she conceded, “It’s a really nice prison.” The fuss didn’t last quite a week, but it did spawn a hashtag, #MichellesPrison.

Does it make one any better than the lowest form of life to admit to being a hypocrite?


It’s true.

You know, liberals and conservatives alike could all come to an agreement not to drag out one line from a Sports Illustrated story for a week. Or not.


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