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Van Jones' sympathy for white men dying from opioid abuse isn't quite resonating with libs on Twitter

Bernie Sanders was the headliner Saturday night at the People’s Summit in Chicago, a gathering of around 4,000 progressives who came to hear speakers like Sanders, Linda Sarsour, Danny Glover, and many more.


Also speaking Saturday was Van Jones, who managed to anger a lot of the Hillary Clinton faithful with his statement that the Democrats “set fire” to a billion dollars in her losing bid for president.


OK, that line didn’t fly very well at the People’s Summit. Maybe, just suppose, what if Jones argued that rather than progressives reflexively treating white men like rhetorical punching bags, they went to where the pain is to promote solutions? Even if that place was populated by — gasp! — white men?

Jones went on to cite the deadly opioid crisis in small, red towns and compared it to the HIV/AIDS crisis. Where were the progressives in response to the bodies stacking up in the morgues in rural America?

Here’s a two-minute snippet that’s well worth listening to for context.

Something tells us this kind of advice isn’t going to fly either.


Hey, talk to former President Obama and his good pal Macklemore, the white rapper with the alt-right haircut. They’re the ones who teamed up to develop a rapid response to the opioid epidemic.

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And let’s have a big hand for Van Jones everybody!

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