It looks like it’s already too late to warn the members of the mainstream media not to strain anything while patting themselves on the back for ushering in the new golden age of political reporting.
Reporters at the New York Times and the Washington Post (with plenty of help from anonymous sources) kept a back-and-forth volley of bombshells coming all week long, but the credit for that really has to go to TIME and for raising the bar with its scoop on the president’s extra-large serving of ice cream at dessert.
CNN did its part for the resistance by following up on the ice cream scoop, and now it’s checking in with third graders to take their temperature on the president. Are elementary schoolers cooling on Trump?
These third-graders are too young to vote, but they have a lot to say about President Trump and politics
— CNN (@CNN) May 20, 2017
World news today.. And this is what you got? LOL
— Carol (@cunder09) May 20, 2017
So now that (according to CNN) 3rd graders hold valid political opinions, should we let 3rd graders run our country?
— Chris Fronzak ? (@FRONZ1LLA) May 20, 2017
Third graders…. seems like CNN has found their demographic for their crap ? news
— Kurt (@Kurt61823) May 20, 2017
@CNN most watched news network by third graders
— Political Junkie (@PoliticBabe) May 20, 2017
Sources of CNNs leaked news…
— Carolyn Everett (@CarolynD72355) May 20, 2017
This is poor form.
— Zac Tonnis (@ZacTonnis) May 20, 2017
I knew you guys were pathetic but had no clue it was to this extent.
— Deplorable Covfefe❌ (@HillbillyJeebus) May 20, 2017
Why not ask them to size up CNN.
— Hoo71 (@hoo71) May 20, 2017
This is not an interview, how about interviewing their teacher or parent who rehearsed the answers!
— Mike Burke (@burkem100) May 20, 2017
That was the plumb assignment of the day for corrupt news network @CNN . Congratulations douche on nailing it
— Reehl Investigations LLC (@edripillc) May 20, 2017
Lol, CNN is trying to manipulate 8 year olds. They're putting up a good fight I would call it a draw.
— Wayne Martin (@Wmkitcab) May 20, 2017
Disgraceful! Politicizing third graders. For shame. Teach them reading, writing, math, music and the arts and ethics. Not politics at age 8.
— Katy Klotz (@catmandieu) May 20, 2017
Shame on CNN. Baiting children with guided questions to disrespect the president. Not a Trump supporter but this biased reporting is wrong.
— akaluckystar (@akaluckystar) May 20, 2017
Shows you how the press can influence. That is why it is important to be fair and objective. Kids were smart though.
— Jersey Conservative (@jerseyfreedom) May 20, 2017
* * *
Bake news: Child delivers James Comey freshly made cookies after his firing by big orange meanie
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 14, 2017
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