Remember when candidate Hillary Clinton, who was having trouble firing up millennials and motivating them to hit the polls, decided to launch a weekend assault featuring young Democratic whipper-snappers like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Al Gore? That didn’t work, and neither did putting Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and Lena Dunham on the trail.
In the months since, the Democrats have had time to elect new party leadership, take a good look at their bench, and find the new face of the Democrat party. That face belonged to former Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, who delivered the Democratic response to President Trump’s joint address to Congress.
Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear delivers Democratic response to Trump's #JointAddress
— CNN (@CNN) March 1, 2017
After an ovation-filled speech by Trump, Beshear chose instead to keep things low-key and go the “just another regular at the diner” route.
[Millions of young liberals march with unprecedented passion]
DEMS: What if our rebuttal was delivered by Jimmy Dean inside a haunted diner— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) March 1, 2017
Also notable that Democrats response delivered by a 72-year-old former politician. The party desperately lacks a rising star. #JointAddress
— Harry Horton (@harry_horton) March 1, 2017
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