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Feel her pain: Huma Abedin fed up with boss Hillary Clinton's 'I'm exhausted thing'

Donald Trump might have stolen the headlines Thursday with his attempt at Hispanic outreach via consumption of a Trump Grill taco bowl, but it would be a shame for Judicial Watch’s Cinco de Mayo present to go unopened.


Judicial Watch reports that it received through a Freedom of Information Act request 241 previously unreleased State Department emails, suggesting that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s claim that, “as far as she knew,” she had turned over all of her government emails was … untrue. You could accuse Clinton of lying, but she seems by this point to grant herself outs like “as far as I know” subconsciously. (Recall the time she was asked if she has always told the truth and could only respond, “I’ve always tried to!”)

Some of the emails also predate March 18, 2009, the date Clinton claims her private yet insecure server went live. Topics range from setting up a date with Cecile Richards and other ranking “friends at Planned Parenthood” to her “pretty meager” talking points expressing her happiness over the release of journalist James Foley (“she will likely riff on this one”).


Most amusing, though, might be top aide Huma Abedin’s frustration with Clinton’s “I’m exhausted thing.” Who’s going to be at dinner, then, “to tell Oscar de la Renta to shut up”?


We feel her pain.

Judicial Watch has posted the emails, which arrived in two batches, in PDF format: click here and here to dig in.


‘I just woke up’: Email shows ‘Old Snorebox’ Hillary Clinton slept through president’s daily brief on Benghazi


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