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Women ALWAYS LOSE: JK Rowling and Others Run LAPS Around Trans Paralympic Athlete, Label Him a Cheat

AP Photo/Scott Garfitt

This is a story that kind of flew under the radar, sadly. 

Valentina Petrillo is a man who identifies as a woman. Until a few years ago, he competed in athletic competitions with other men, even winning titles. But this year, Petrillo is competing as a woman in the Paralympics.


More from The Telegraph:

This was a dream,” says Valentina Petrillo, who today became a Paralympic sprinter at the age of 51, “that I had since I was a little girl.” Except this is an athlete who was never a little girl in the first place. The Italian is a father-of-two who was still competing at 45 as a male, who won national titles in men’s track and field, and whose self-portrayal in 2021 was of a “tough guy who would speak dismissively of women, who would have given you the idea he was sexist”. And yet on Monday morning at the Stade de France, Petrillo, courtesy of institutional cowardice at every level, lined up in the visually-impaired classification of the 400 metres as a woman.

There is no biological ambiguity about Petrillo. Here is a figure who, in a documentary aired this summer, announced to the interviewer: “You can see I’m a man.” Here is somebody who accepts that women are entitled to feel “astonishment, confusion and doubt” about this indefensible state of affairs, acknowledging: “These doubts and questions are legitimate.” But still Petrillo feels entitled to enter the female category for the sake of “happiness”. Quite where the happiness of the women forced out of the Paralympics as a consequence fit into this equation is anybody’s guess.

Just incredible.


So two women were denied an opportunity to compete in Paris because of Petrillo. A man.

It's not fair.

And women always lose.

Because of his 'happiness.'

A very good point.

It's being allowed because Petrillo's feelings -- his feelings -- trump fairness and women's rights.

And here's J.K. Rowling absolutely dragging Petrillo for being a cheater:

Her tongue is planted firmly in her cheek, but it makes a point.

Why was Lance Armstrong stripped of his medals for cheating when men like Petrillo get to beat women while being showered with praise?


So we're all Nazis? Sure, Jan.


Peterson is, of course, joking.

But the mentality is taken seriously -- and is pervasive -- on the Left.

It's so messed up.

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