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Stop Making COVID a Thing: The Hill Tells Us Strict Mask, Vaccine Mandates Would've Saved 250k Lives


There is no way -- none whatsoever -- that any study or scientist or doctor could know what might have happened in the past.

So when the media try to retcon us into thinking that if we has just locked down even harder during COVID, we would've saved more lives.


There are so many variables in this, it's impossible to know how things would have played out. Especially now that we know masking and the vaccine were wholly ineffective.

Here's what they write:

Stricter COVID-19 restrictions could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the states that refused to institute them, though efforts to close nursing homes and schools likely caused more harm than good, a new study has found.

Between 118,000 and 248,000 more Americans would have survived the pandemic if all states had followed some restrictions practiced in Northeastern states, according to findings published Friday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

A sorely underused word.

And it's total bunkum.


Also this. Social distancing was made up. The stupid little arrows on the grocery store floor didn't do a damn thing. This writer saw a woman freak out at another woman who wasn't 'following the arrows' and 'putting lives at risk' while shopping once.

This writer refused -- from the get go -- to walk in the direction of the arrows.

This writer believes that we didn't even see a fraction of the draconian policies they had in mind for us. She will always believe they had much, much worse in mind for us and that  they would've kept those restrictions for years if they could've gotten away with it.

China also welded people into their apartments.

As this writer said in the last paragraph, we have no idea how awful they wanted to get.


But follow the science.

Or something.

Clinging like crazy.

This entire story has a 'govern me harder, daddy' vibe to it.

The economist behind this study doesn't think so.

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