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'Unprincipled Fraud': On Dobbs Anniversary, SHAMELESS Tool Bill Kristol Flip Flops on Abortion

Townhall Media

There was a time Bill Kristol was considered a bright light of conservatism, and conservative thinking.

Back in 1998, he even penned an article for The Washington Examiner titled: Roe Must Go. In it, he wrote:


With the approach of the millennium, everyone who’s anyone wants to indulge in vague and vaporous thoughts about the challenges ahead. But in the midst of all this big talk, one issue, concrete and real, refuses to go away: abortion. The hard fact is that we have now in America a morally problematic and constitutionally unsound regime of abortion on demand. This fact is becoming increasingly difficult to shove under the rug. Indeed, abortion is likely to emerge as the central issue in the presidential campaign of 2000.

Or, more precisely, the status of Roe v. Wade is likely to emerge as the central issue. The reason is simple: The next president should have at least three Supreme Court appointments — enough to swing the balance of power on Roe (and on many other issues). This means that prospective appointments to the Supreme Court and other federal courts will be more of a campaign issue than usual. And abortion — Roe in particular — will be at the heart of it.

So when Kristol posts this, we have a question:


Hm. So what changed, Billy?

We know: Trump. Trump broke his brain.

Everything Bill wanted -- a president who made multiple appointments to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe, something Kristol has wanted for 26 years -- is now no good because Bill doesn't like the man who made his request a reality.

Harsh but fair.

Bill is big mad Trump won, and might win again, and it shows.

Never more true.

It's incredible.

Because he's a petulant child who can't see beyond 'Orange Man Bad', that's why.



It was bad law.

The Dobbs ruling -- regardless of your view on abortion -- was the correct one.

You were being prophetic.

Because his hatred of Trump is the only driver.

Had another Republican won in 2016 and done the same thing, Bill would be congratulating himself for ending Roe.


Yes it is.

But it would make him a grifter the Left loves, so he's got that going for him.

This is a reasonable and well-thought out response. Something Bill is incapable of doing.

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