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This Is Fine: John Stossel Shares MAJOR Wake Up Call on How Much of America's $35 Trillion Debt YOU'D Pay

Sarah D.

Spend, spend, spend.

Tax the rich.

Spend, spend, spend.

That's the pattern -- for years. Democrat and Republican have a spending problem, and it's going to come back and bite us on the butt. Hard.


We owe $100,000 as of today.

That'll keep going up.

It means this writer owes almost two years of her salary to the national debt. So far.

Stossel writes:

America is now almost $35 trillion in debt. That means every American owes $100,000.

The Biden administration doesn’t care. They want to spend more.

Already they are spending so much that they’re increasing our debt by a trillion dollars every 100 days.

President Donald Trump was no better. His administration increased our debt by almost $8 trillion.

This will not end well.

Last year, we hit a new ugly milestone: Americans must pay $1 trillion per year just for interest on our debt.

That’s more than we spend on defense — on infrastructure, education, poverty programs … everything, but Social Security and Medicare.

If we didn’t waste these trillion dollars on interest, we could give $3,000 tax cuts to every man, woman and child to use as they please.

Worse, America’s spending growth is unsustainable. You can stretch a rubber band farther and farther, but eventually, it will break.


And when it breaks, gird your loins.

And that right there is the problem.

They waste a lot of money on stupid stuff, and then claim they have to make drastic cuts to Social Security and Medicare rather than the wasteful projects.

That's the plan.


It's so, so bad.

It is.

And it's gonna be painful to pay it.


Exactly all of this.

But if we just tax the rich more, it'll solve our problems.


Because they don't think this'll impact them.

Also, there comes a point when the amount of spending just becomes so massive our brains can't process it. $35 trillion in debt is unfathomable, so we don't understand how big it is.

Breaking it down to say every American -- man, woman, and child -- owes $100,000 makes it slightly more tangible.

Either way, it's bad. And when the fit hits the shan, as it were, it's going to get very ugly.

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