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'Isn't That Illegal?' Buzz Patterson Exposes CA Rep Eric Swalwell Apparently Breaking 'No Block' Rule

AP Photo/Elise Amendola

We all know Democrats don't play by the rules, even when they created said rules in the first place. 


Let's take a trip back to 2017 when Trump was sued for blocking critics on Twitter, now X. The lawsuit said, '...the @realDonaldTrump account is a “public forum” under the First Amendment, from which the government may not exclude people based simply on their views.'

Then AOC found herself sued after blocking users, 'Trump is not allowed to block people, will the standards apply equally? Stay tuned to find out!'

'Blocking people on social media — esp as women, typically subjected to an avalanche of hateful and misogynistic speech online — is not a violation of their First Amendment rights," said state Sen. Julia Salazar, D-Brooklyn. "None of us have a constitutional right to use someone's Twitter to abuse them.'

Funny how that works when Trump did it.

Anyway, after a few years of back and forth court battling, the Supreme Court finally announced in March that government officials can't block users, well sometimes. It depends.

One might argue that politicians should err on the side of caution, ignore their egos and make choices that benefit everyone, even if they don't like it themselves.

But we're talking about Eric Swalwell here.


Oh, like Swalwell cares about 'breaking the law.'


You see, the problem here is the citizen must take action against the official in order for the courts to force said official to follow the rules.

Democrats know the average person isn't going to, or can't, take such a lengthy and expensive action. So, they just do what they want, knowing enforcement is more burdensome than ignoring their violations.


Well, except for Buzz Patterson.


Maybe Swalwell will finally have to experience some professional consequences for his actions for once!

Can you imagine such a thing?

Can't wait to see what happens! STAY TUNED!

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